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We are a highly respected independent aviation and business research consultancy working with airport operators, investors and government. Our purpose is to provide analysis and insight into the future direction and potential for airport development around the world.


Led by Dr Sally Dixon, Azimuth Associates provides critical insights to support the development of a robust, strategic approach to development and investment in the global aviation industry. We apply an academic rigour to our research, delivering a new vision of the aviation sector in a constantly shifting and complex environment.


Talk to us about your requirements in the following specialist areas:

Envision the future

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”

Ford said that if he had asked people what they want, they would have requested faster horses! The role of the futurist is to imagine how innovations, developments, trends, and changes in society can collide to solve problems and predict future market opportunities.

Forecast the impacts

“Telling the future by looking at the past is like driving a car by looking in the rear view mirror.”

Forecasting from historical data using techniques that simply push the past into the future miss the potential for change. Using an approach that captures the interconnection between complex drivers for change can describe likely outcomes and help predict future sustainable demand.

Create a strategy

“Great companies endure because they manage to get stakeholder interests aligned.”

Strategy always involves politics because business always involves people! Planning for future disruptions and opportunities requires detailed understanding of the macro environment, multiple perspectives, and techniques to make taken-for-granted thinking transparent to allow change to happen.


We work with board directors, investors and policy makers to provide insight and clarity on the issues facing the aviation industry.

Talk to us when you need…

  • An academic rigour to your aviation and business research
  • Fresh insight backed up by analysis of key data
  • Credible research supported by expert witness and presentation capabilities
  • Collaborative partnerships with experts from across the aviation sector
  • Academic research applied to real world, business strategies


Dr Sally Dixon MBA PhD MRAeS
Independent aviation and business research consultant

As a skilled strategist with extensive Board-level capability, Sally has a wealth of experience in airport related projects. Sally is Reuters-trained, MBA and PhD-qualified.


The focus of her ground breaking doctoral research at Cranfield University was on stakeholder involvement in decision-making during the master plan process.


Sally is a leader in the field of stakeholder consultation on major infrastructure projects and has a track record for delivering workable, innovative solutions to the issues faced by organisations today.


Sally was appointed as a Member of the Royal Aeronautical Society in 2015.


We look forward to hearing from you.


01227 772 086


07973 523 898